Kritische Analyse der Argumente pro und contra Convenience im Einzelhandel Deutschlands - Infos zum Artikel - Preisvergleich
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Kritische Analyse der Argumente pro und contra Convenience im Einzelhandel Deutschlands

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Wirtschaftsgeographie, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Summary The topic of `Convenience` in the retail trade of the federal republic of Germany is more current and interesting than ever. The analyses of the pro and contra arguments shows how complex and coherent the retail trade is today. Over and above it is very important to take some other aspects into consideration. On the one hand the change of purchase pattern during the last 30 years and on the other hand the demographical development influence the retail. With regard to our new and modern Lifestyle, it is unavoidable that consumers¿ behaviors make retail trade, range of goods and shopping look different. Surveys show a trend away from families with lots of children towards single- or two-person households. Furthermore the German population is getting older. Especially in the peripheral, rural regions the average age was grown up in the last years. Older people are mostly immobile and do not want to go shopping in the big and confusing supermarkets or discounter. They prefer the traditional small corner shops. Until the latest eighties there were corner shops in each small village. Shopping was nearly very easy and comfortable. Most people attach value to the special personal service you have in these small shops. But the rural supply collapsed at the end of the eighties with the establishment of the big supermarkets in the open countryside. The products were cheaper than in the small, traditional corner shops and the increasing mobility of the population lead them to prefer the big super-markets. But the consumers¿ behavior changed ones again. Nowadays the traditional corner shop has got a magnificent comeback. Petrol station shops, station shops, corner shops and kiosks are the very latest shopping facilities. These days convenience, comfort and a personal service is again very important. However the recovery of the small village shops is still difficult. On the one hand the opening is joined with a high level of risk and on the other hand the retailer can¿t keep up with the big discounter. Since a few years the mobile food supply had been taken the tasks of the corner shops and village shops. A closer look on the retail development shows a constantly changing of the priorities. Exactly this development is in a way based on our con-sumer habits and on our Lifestyle. The available assignment shows that corner shops and `Convenience` in the retail trade is nowadays reoccur. A bridge between traditional retail and modern supply ...

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