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Do These Before You Become A Coach

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HARD TRUTH : The entry barrier to the coaching Industry is so low that it is getting so crowded at the bottom but with these principles handy and the grace of God, you‘ll come out on TOP. with Steven grew up in a 2 bedroom house with nine siblings and cousins in Togo-West Africa. He is a living testimony of his transformation program; he has recreated a new path by elevating himself from poor binding backgrounds from his country of origin (Togo-West Africa) to leadership and impactful roles on a global platform. Mark Twain says the two most important days of your life are : the day you were born and the day you find out why. For me the day I found out why was the day it hit me like a brick that Public Speaking and Coaching are part of the many gifts I have. Hence my success in Senior Leadership roles at the age from 22 already. When I decided to embrace my gifts and make a career out of them, there was no one I could turn to for guidance so as always I took life by the horns and I can tell you that much that it was no breeze but everything worth doing is worth doing badly so I dived. The ride has been bumpy, bloody, full of sacrifices but here I am now coaching thousands of people worldwide and having spoken in more than 25 countries. I am a people‘s servant. People who are searching for the light or who believe they have something to offer, this book is for you to give you exactly the 7 principles you need to save 5 years of trials and errors. In this book you will learn : ◆ Time is not money, Time is literally a LIFETIME ◆ The art of making a way where there are not ◆ The reason why the coaching career is a question of potential rather than facts ◆ Identify your limiting and disempowering beliefs ◆ How to transform your gift into business ◆ How to find people and what to tell them to to buy your shxt

Anbieter: Thalia DE
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