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The Book of Joshua, the sixth book of the Old Testament, narrates the story of the Israelites from the death of Moses to the conquest and settlement of the Promised Land, Canaan. Joshua, Moses‘ successor, emerges as the central figure, leading his people with faith and military skill. The book opens with God commissioning Joshua to take the Israelites across the Jordan River into Canaan. It underscores themes of leadership, faith, and obedience, as Joshua and the Israelites are repeatedly instructed to be strong and courageous, to observe the law given to Moses, and to not deviate from it. The narrative is divided into three main parts: the conquest of Canaan, the division of the land among the twelve tribes of Israel, and Joshua‘s final speeches. **Conquest of Canaan:** Joshua leads a series of military campaigns against the Canaanite kingdoms. Key events include the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River, the fall of Jericho following God‘s command to march around its walls, and the sun standing still at Gibeon. These stories highlight the Israelites‘ reliance on divine intervention for their victories. **Division of the Land:** After the conquests, the land of Canaan is divided among the tribes of Israel. This section provides detailed accounts of the territorial boundaries for each tribe and the establishment of cities of refuge and Levitical cities, emphasizing the fulfillment of God‘s promise to Abraham regarding the land. **Joshua‘s Final Words:** The book concludes with Joshua‘s farewell addresses, where he reminds the people of the importance of keeping the covenant with God. He challenges them to serve God faithfully and warns against the worship of other gods. The famous declaration, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,‘ encapsulates Joshua‘s final testament to his people. The Book of Joshua presents a complex mixture of divine assistance and human effort in accomplishing God‘s will, offering profound insights into faith, obedience, and leadership. It sets the stage for the subsequent historical and prophetic books of the Bible, providing the backdrop for the ongoing relationship between God and Israel.

Anbieter: Thalia DE
ab 0.99 Euro*
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